Peggy Sue + Destiny Rescue

We're so so sooooo excited to announce that Peggy Sue is now partnering with Destiny Rescue to help rescue children from sexual exploitation and trafficking and keep them free. 

This means that we're now donating $1 from every sale to this incredible organisation to help with their efforts. 

What They Do

With operations in 7 countries around the world, 250+ staff and volunteers tirelessly work around the clock to:

Night after night, highly trained rescue agents infiltrate some of the darkest places in the world to find children trapped in sexual exploitation or traffickingThey work closely with families to identify the issues that left the child vulnerable to exploitation and help them overcome them and learn to thrive.Working with communities, leaders, families and children to spread awareness on how to protect themselves or loved ones against exploitation

The incredible team and the important work they do 

have successfully led to 5,000+ lives being freed.

Watch the video to hear why Founder, Tony Kirwan, started Destiny Rescue back in 2001...

"I dream of a time when children can go to bed to sleep, not work."

-Tony Kirwan, founder + president

How We Help

All funds donated to Destiny Rescue work to help them mobilise and rescue children while also working on preventative measures. 81% of every dollar goes directly to these programs, while the rest goes into administrative or fundraising initiatives that allow Destiny Rescue to grow even further and protect more children.

When you buy via this website, we will automatically donate $1 to Destiny Rescue. This comes at no cost to you at all. 

If you would like to support this life-changing work even more, you can donate via the Destiny Rescue website either with a one-off gift of your choosing or an ongoing monthly donation so they can continue their work well into the future.



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